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Hi everyone,

Today I’m writing about something I never thought I would be writing about. I am proud to tell you that I am now a vegetarian. I always loved animals, I respect nature and I am used to eating organic food. I thought about becoming a vegetarian before but it was impossible to convince myself that I had to stop eating meat. My motto was “I’d love to be a vegetarian but I love meat so much”. And then, one month ago, I read articles about vegetarianism and watched documentaries such as “Cowspiracy” and “What the health ?” on Netflix. When I became aware of what was really happening in the world, I knew I had to make that decision: I won’t let animals suffer anymore. Actually, there are several aspects that made me take that decision. First of all, it was obviously the fact that too much animals are suffering, being killed, poisoned... The only goal for this is to make money, without caring for the animals’ lives. It’s easy, they can’t talk. You know that I love fashion but did you know that animals are often skinned alive for their fur? Animals are now created just for their skin, milk/eggs and flesh. They don’t deserve that, and it is not because they can’t talk that we have to use them. There’s also the fact that meat, contrarily to popular belief, is NOT needed for our health. You can find protein in other products than meat. Plus, red meat increases risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. And since a lot of those diseases happened in my family, I can’t take the risk. Last but not least, the environment is something we should take care of. Did you know that the agricultural industry is the number one cause of climate change? The demand for meat is growing since our planet went from 1 billion people in 1800 to 7,5 billion in 2017. We are told that we need meat to survive. Therefore, meat industries must produce more and more. That’s why they don’t have time to take care of the animals’ lives. Their only goal is to make money. And then, they have to grow more crops, in order to feed the animals and produce more meat. So, logically, they have to destroy forests, like the Amazonian forest. Animals are hunted, killed and so is nature. By writing this article, I just want to share my thoughts and clarify the truth about many aspects that a lot of people don’t know. I think we should take care of animals and of our planet. We shouldn’t be selfish and only think about our wellbeing. Know that one day, you might have children and they will have children. Do you want them to live in a world without nature and animals but with so much pollution ? As for me, I am still not dead by now, still standing, even though I don’t eat meat. I feel very well physically and psychologically. It is possible. I am happy that I could share this with you, don’t hesitate to comment or send me messages if you have questions or anything. Until next time, xx Grégoire G.

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