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Christmas Tag

Welcome back everyone,

I know I didn't post for a while, but I was very busy with my studies. However, I'm back, and I am so happy to post today because it is my favorite time of the year: it's Christmas holidays ! December has always been my favorite month because I feel like everyday is Christmas.

Today I wanted to do my first tag. I saw many bloggers and youtubers doing it and I thought why not starting December with this tag. So let's go:

1) What is your favorite Christmas song ?

Definitely Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande. When I saw the lyrics of this song, I thought she wrote it for me haha.

2) What is your favorite Christmas drink ?

Not original at all, but a hot chocolate with Marshmallows.

3) What is your favorite Christmas movie ?

Love Actually is by far my favorite Christmas movie but also one of my favorite movie of all time. Great mix of love and Christmas: that's all we need in December.

4) What would you like to have this Christmas ?

2017 already gave me so much, and I have amazing plans for 2018, but I would say that the only thing I might ask is love haha. I don't need gifts (PS: If you are a member of my family you are obliged to give me a gift).

5) What is your favorite Christmas look ?

You must have this ugly sweater that grandma gave you with Santa on it. Not stunning, but how cute.

6) Would rather play outside in the snow or stay in with a warm drink ?

Stay in with a warm drink, a blanket and a movie.

7) Favorite Christmas meal ?

I am so so so sorry to say that because I am such an animal lover, but I'm french and I must say foie gras has always been my guilty pleasure.

8) Is your Christmas tree real or fake ?


9) What is the best gift you have received ?

Few years ago, I was already passionate about photography and I wanted a reflex. And guess what. I received it. Thank you Santa

10) Your favorite Christmas thing ?

So I have a tradition, each year I do a Disney Movie Marathon. It means that I have to re-watch all of my favorite Disney movies. It's like going back in my childhood (which I am not very far haha) but it's magic for me.

11) Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve ?

I open ALL of my presents on my Christmas Eve.

12) Where do you usually spend your holiday ?

Always with my family.

13) Do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better ?

I love giving gifts. Plus, I hate opening gifts in front of the people, it makes me feel so uncomfortable haha.

14) What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season ?

Definitely New York City.

15) Most memorable Holiday moment ?

When I was younger, my parents locked my brother and I, with our grandma in our bedroom. We wanted so see Santa and my grandma held a toy and if we tried to watch through the lock, she hit our shoulder to prevent us from seeing what was really happening behind the door. That was so funny and we always laugh a lot remembering this.

I'll be back soon for some Christmas blog posts.


Grégoire G.

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