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London calling

Welcome back everyone,

First of all, I have to say that I hesitated to write this post because my trip was in May but I feel like I have to do it anyway. So today I will share with you my amazing week in London. 

It wasn’t my first time in this beautiful city, but actually the third one. However, this time I had the chance to go with two of my closest friends Victoria and Mary. We booked a beautiful flat on the top floor in Shoreditch, very luminous and spacious. Since it was Mary’s first time in London, we decided to show her the tourist areas like Big Ben, Tour bridge, the London Eye... We did a lot of shopping, took pictures in Abbey Road and Mary and I even got tattooed (I could write an article about it if you want ?).

But the thing with London is that you never really know the city and each time you discover a bit more and find amazing places. If I could give you an advice, lose yourself in the city.

“It’s LeviOsa, not LeviosaA” 

So I think this part of the article will be the favorite of a lot of people. Some of you may be Potterheads? I’ve always been a big fan of Harry Potter, I read the books and saw all the movies a hundred times. For me it was A NEED to go to the Warner Bros Studio to see this magical universe where most of the scenes were filmed. I deeply recommend you to go there, you really feel like you are in the movie and it’s unbelievable to imagine that our favorite actors walked there a few years ago. We discovered a lot of elements that were in the movies like costumes, parts of the set, objects like the wands, the Goblet of fire... We walked through the forbidden forest, the Diagon Alley and so many other places but I don’t want to spoil too much because maybe one day you will discover it by yourself. Mary and I bought wands: Mary chose Hermione’s one and for me it was Fleur Delacour’s. Hogwarts opens you its doors, so don’t hesitate wizards. I will never forget this day. “After all this time ? Always”...

“It’s time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap”

One of my dream has always been to see a musical and especially Wicked. Most people won’t even know this one, but maybe if you are a fan of the TV show Glee you will remember the battle Rachel VS Kurt singing ‘Defying gravity’. Victoria, Mary and I, all decide to wear green this night to feel wicked too haha. In one word: STUNNING. I mean what a night, I was speechless in front of those amazing voices. I told you Music was a big part of my life and seeing that in real life was like a dream come true. If you are interested, you can still find tickets on the Apollo Victoria theater's website. 

“Strike the pose”

Finally, it couldn’t be a perfect trip without shooting photos haha. I am so annoying with pictures because I won’t stop until I get the perfect picture (I’m sure a lot of people will understand my situation, I see you people). You can see below some pictures we took with my friends.

I hope you enjoyed my words about London and after that you will want to go there. For sure it wasn’t my last time in the city of my heart...

Until next time, I wish you a good day my beautiful people

Grégoire G.

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