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Introducing Myself...

Hello everyone, Grégoire here

This is my first post on my new blog. Honestly, it feels kinda weird to write for the first time but I have to say I already like it. Throughout this post, I would like to introduce myself so you can learn a bit more about who I am. I’m 19 and currently studying in Nice to complete my second year in applied foreign languages. If you don’t know, it is economy and languages at the same time. I always loved languages and that is one of the reasons why I’m writing in English here. The other reason is that I thought it would be easier to understand because maybe people abroad would like to read my blog (I hope it will be the case haha).

Now you may be wondering why I created a blog. It’s simple, I have been passionate about fashion since forever. Clothes, accessories, bags, shoes... I live for them. Sometimes I even dream about clothes at night haha. That’s why I worked on my Instagram to make it look more “professional”. However, I thought it wasn’t enough and through a blog I can really express my feelings and talk with you guys. I also love to travel and that’s what I would like to do as much as possible in my life.So, in this blog I will show you my clothes, my travels and some good addresses I find in my city and also around the world. Plus, I am a huge music lover and I will share my favorites songs of the moment.I really hope you will enjoy my work and you will follow me through this new project.

Until then, I wish you a good day, see you soon

xoxo, Grégoire G.

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